
Have you ever given a gift that was not received like you thought it would be? You had a purpose for the gift but the one to whom you gave it saw it differently or had a different experience than you’d hoped. I once received a remote control airplane from an uncle but try as I might, that thing never flew. The gift was given with one expectation which was not realized by me.

When Jesus came to earth as a little baby, it was a gift with purpose from the Father but we, his creation, never saw the gift in the way he wanted. The expected Messiah was not met with fanfare and glory but was simply born in a barn. The Christmas story that we’ve heard so often had an incredible story line. A baby boy was born to two peasant Israelites. The teenage mom, pregnant before marriage, had a very short engagement. The explanation of how she was pregnant seemed so unbelievable. The only visitors on the night of birth were smelly shepherds who had an unimaginable story of how angelic hosts told them to go worship the new king.

But what does the story of Jesus’ birth mean to us? His name, Immanuel, literally means God is with us. How comforting. How warm. How beautiful. We have a Savior who understands our trouble and our life. He’s been there and experienced all the life has to offer us. He is God among us. He’s made some important promises to us and we serve a God who keeps promises!

In Matthew 28, Jesus promises he’ll always be with us. God told us in Hebrews 13, He’ll never leave us nor forsake us. John tells us in John 1, Jesus became flesh and moved into our neighborhood. Jesus is with you. He knows you by name. He wants to journey with you.

Sadly, some don’t believe God’s promise. There are things in their life that veil this truth. Maybe it because you did what you were supposed to and got that degree, put your resume out there, networked but you still have no job. It could be you stayed pure until marriage but there is still no baby crying down the hallway. It’s possible you will go home alone tonight because Mr. or Mrs. Right has not appeared on your horizon. You sit in an office and the doctor tells you the cancer has returned. More than likely, you still bear the shame and guilt of past mistakes because you have not yet laid them at Jesus’ feet.

Whatever the veil, however you have taken the story, no matter what other people tell you, you have a Savior named Jesus who wants to have a relationship with you! You have a God who left the glory of heaven to live and die on this earth so that he could be with you. Jesus has given you the greatest Christmas gift of all time. He’s given you hope, love, forgiveness, grace and mercy. He loves you. Don’t wait to unwrap him. He’s waiting for you with open arms. Jesus is the reason for the season. So embrace Immanuel…He is Jesus…He is God with you. Blessings on your journey.