Unmask the Deceiver

We’ve all had those Halloweens where we were out trick-or-treating and saw the many costumes kids were wearing. Almost always, there is someone wearing what we would call a “devil” costume…some renaissance version of what we think the Devil looks like. The look usually includes a red suit, horns, and a pitchfork. But that is not really who he is.

You see, the Devil’s greatest trick is convincing us that he really doesn't exist. But he is very real. The story of the Bible, God’s tireless chasing after his creation (humankind), reveals that he is the prince of darkness, bringer of death, and the father of lies. While Jesus on the other hand is light and truth and life.

The Devil hates God and hates humankind since we are made in God’s image. He’ll do anything to take our focus off of Jesus. He’ll whisper anything in our ears to make us feel unworthy and that God cares nothing for us. But we know that to be just the opposite. God cares for us so much that he sent his only son to die for us.

So, as followers of Jesus Christ, we have to arm ourselves against the father of lies in order to know the truth. How do we do that? By putting on the full armor of God: helmet of salvation, belt of truth, the sandals of peace, the breastplate of righteousness and draw out the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6). Making sure that God’s Word is firmly planted in our hearts will be the difference between standing firm and falling for the lies the evil one tells.

So, make it a habit to attend a gathering of believers on the first day of the week. Fast the first of the year in order to discern God’s will for you in the coming year. Give your first fruits to God acknowledging that it is God who blesses you in all things. And finally, start every day with God, reading his Word.

The Devil wants to pull you away from your relationship to Jesus. Know what he’s up to. Know whatever he’s telling you is a lie. Trust in God. Surrender to Jesus in order to have that abundantly bright life that Jesus offers. Blessings on your journey.