What is a Priority?

Growing up, I seemed to butt heads with my dad. He was trying to be a father who was guiding me and I was playing the role of the stubborn son. I remember saying one day, “I want to make my own mistakes. Thanks for sharing your life experience but I am not you.” I ignored wisdom and paid the price.

There’s no doubt you’ve had similar experiences. Someone tried to warn you…tell you…explain to you how to be better in life but you had your own plan, your own agenda. But what I have discovered in life is that what you put first in your life will determine where you end up.

Many of you have seen or read Alice in Wonderland. There is a point in the story where she’s in the woods and at a crossroads. This is where she meets the Cheshire Cat. Alice asks, “Which way should I go?” The cat asks, “Where do you want to go?” Alice replies, “I don’t know.” To which the cat says, “Then one way is as good as another if you don’t know where you are headed.”

Jesus reminds us as Christ-followers what’s a priority and which way we should be headed. It’s during his famous Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6 when Jesus says, “You can’t serve two. You’ll hate one and love the other. You cannot serve God and everything else.” You see our priorities will determine the path we take. And Jesus reveals a couple of things in Matthew 6:25-33 that are important as we better understand priorities.

First, he reminds you that God sees you. Not in a scary way but a comforting way. You have celebratory things and difficult things in your life everyday. You’re working in a career that doesn’t suit you anymore. You have a difficult marriage. Your parenting skills are being challenged. You have a gambit of emotions you work through with your friend group. But Jesus reminds us that worry doesn’t have to win. Jesus tells us when we choose worry, we are choosing the way of the world.

You see, God sees the birds and takes care of them. But God sees you too and aren’t you more valuable than birds? When we have faith in God to take care of us, we will be on the road of peace and not panic.

But equally, God cares about you too. Whatever brings tears to your eyes, know God sees that too. What Jesus tells us in this text in Matthew is that God is FOR YOU! We know this….Jesus changes everything!! The people who worry or have an anxious spirit are not living in Jesus. In fact, Jesus calls folks living like this pagans and unbelievers.

Right now is our chance to really shine for Jesus. We want to be different than the world recognizing God will provide all our needs. So, how ARE we different? Are you more focused on your new home rather than your new neighbors? Are you more concerned with the latest tech gear than being in God’s Word? Are you distracted by putting more stuff in your house and keeping up with the Joneses? Is your priority becoming Instagram famous? If Jesus is saying these things are not your purpose as a follower of him, then what is your purpose?

Jesus reveals that in Matthew 6:33. He says, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all things, live in such a way that it gives God glory, and everything else will be given to you.” Remember, God is our father and He knows what is the best wisdom for the best life we can live. Seek God’s will and desire first then live it out in your life and everything else will be given to you.

May you bring the kingdom to your home, your work place, your neighbors. May your light shine in traffic, at the grocery store and Wal-Mart. May you see your purpose in seeking Kingdom right where you are and living out how God has called you to live. Blessings on your journey.