It's Go Time.

I know I’m giving it away but when my wife and I are at a party or gathering and I’m ready to go, I tug on my left ear lobe. Upon seeing me, she, then, knows I feel it’s time to go. Now, that doesn’t mean we are leaving because she may not be done socializing. But nonetheless, she knows I have had my fill.

Jesus tells his disciples in Matthew 28 to “go”. “Go into all the world…making disciples”. He tells them to “go”. And in Acts 1 just before Jesus ascends into Heaven, he tells them again, that they will be his witnesses in “Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth.” Jesus is telling us one of our mandates is to go and be a witness for the story of Jesus. Tell people and show people what Jesus has done for us. But the world is a huge place so where do we begin? We start by asking a series of questions.

Who lives with you? When Andrew finds Jesus and knows he’s the Messiah, Andrew goes to find his brother, Peter (John 1:40ff), who will later become foundational in the early church. We first go to the people we live with and call family. So, start where you are planted. We are called to tell our children about Jesus and teach them the Jesus’ way of life. We are called to journey with our spouse and daily tell the story. We have extended family members we love who need to hear from you how Jesus has changed your life. Ask, who lives with me?

Secondly, ask who lives near you? Those living near you include those in your cul-de-sac or on your street. But it also includes those with whom you attend church. We are called to make time for those with whom we do life. So get involved in a ministry like teaching kids about Jesus in a Sunday morning class or leading a small group in your youth group. Get involved on your praise team or in the sound booth. Be a real friend to your neighbors by helping out when they are down and out. Extend hospitality to those around you so they see Jesus in you.

Finally, ask who lives in you? Paul reminds us in Romans 8:11, “That the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is the same Spirit that lives in you!” You will not be “going” on your own. Jesus will always be with you. That’s what he said in Matthew 28:20. He tells us to go and he’ll be with us. So don’t be afraid. God’s got this. He’s with you.

So it’s time to shed the “personal space” mentality. It’s time to look around instead of down at our phone. It’s time to create a space of sharing and inclusion. It’s time to go and be a witness for the one who gave you everything…and made you the best version of yourself you could ever be. Blessings on the journey.