Focus on Telling your Story.

I love watching the Amazing Race reality show. Couples are pitted against each other in a race around the world. Many times, they are asked to go to a city, climb the highest building and look for a clue on the ground level. They are laser-focused in their observations once on top of the building. There are lots of distractions with traffic, a sea of humanity, other buildings but they focus on finding that flag.

Jesus is the same way with us. His focus is finding us and bringing us home. We belong to him. We are his. And that takes a selfless character…a person who is focused on others rather than self.

Martin Seligman, a well-known psychologist whose an expert on happiness has done research on the subject and found, “We think what will make us happy is focusing on ourselves…we actually become happier by focusing on other people.” I love it when science proves what Jesus has already taught us.

Jesus was a great story teller and in Luke 15, he tells three in a row to make a point. The three stories show Jesus sees you, saves you, and celebrates you. But in the first story, the shepherd (that’s Jesus) goes out to find the lost sheep. That’s focusing on someone else over your own needs and wants. He leaves the bulk of the group and goes out to find the one sheep that has wandered away. Once he finds that sheep, he lifts it up and brings it home. Then, he throws a party.

So what does this mean for us if we are called to imitate him. After all, we are his disciples and disciples want to look like their teacher. I believe it calls all of us to focus on the people in front of us and discover who has wandered and who needs Jesus in their life. Our call is to tell the story of Jesus and the story of how Jesus changed our lives forever.

As followers, we want to go and seek. Our desire is that others should also have the life that only Jesus can provide. So, who in your life do you know needs Jesus? Who do you know needs hope for a better tomorrow? Who do you know needs a companion that will walk with them until they come home to the shepherd?

Discover ways to share your story. Find ways to get connected to reveal Jesus’ story. Stories are powerful and it’s time to use our story for the glory of God. Blessings on the journey.