Come and See!

What’s the first big thing in your life you felt compelled to shout about? Maybe that first career job or graduating from college. It could have been standing at the altar with the one you would spend the rest of your life with or when you first held your new born in your hands. We’ve all had moments that we could shout and be as excited as we’ve ever been.

For those of us who believe Jesus is exactly who he said he was, the story in Matthew 28:1-8 gives us reason to shout. See, two women are going to Jesus’ tomb on the Sunday morning after he dies to prepare his body but upon arrival, an angel is there and has rolled away the stone covering the tomb. He invites them to do several things that are so applicable in our discipled life.

The angel says, “come to the empty tomb”. It’s an invitation to see that Jesus has risen from the grave, conquering death. Have you every noticed in Jesus’ ministry, he’s always inviting people close to him? He never says, “Stay away…I don’t have time…I’m too busy.” Jesus is wanting you and me to come to him. His invitation is real and authentic. Nothing you have done will undermine your ability to draw close to him.

And the angel also says “See.” That word is one of encounter and experience. He says to us, “Check it out and see if Jesus is really who he says he is. There’s nothing to hide here.” Come and see. The women at the tomb that morning would have noticed several things. They would have seen the humility of God. How far would God go to have a relationship with each of us? All the way to the cross. They would have seen the reality of sin. Sin killed Jesus and sin kills me and you everyday. We need Jesus for life.

The women would have seen the mortality of human beings. The future for all of us is death unless the Lord returns first. All of us are going to die. But the beauty of being in Christ is that death is a stepping stone to eternal life with Jesus. Finally, they would have seen the victory of Christ over death. Jesus was not in the tomb. He is risen!

Once the angel reveals Jesus is risen, he tells the women to “go and tell” the world the story. And that’s our invitation as well. It’s such a relief to see the tomb is empty but we can’t stay there. It’s more than good news…it’s great news! and you can tell that story of life with your family and friends, in your workplace and in your neighborhood. If necessary, use words but your life will reflect the risen Savior best. Now, go and tell how Jesus has changed your life. Blessings on the journey.