Be Missional Right Where You Are.

Most of us that are 50 years and older remember carrying an Atlas map with us in the car to get around. Before Google maps, you had to find out where you were on the map, discover where you were going then decide which road got you to your destination the best. Of course now, a computer figures all that out for you.

So in Acts 1 when Jesus commissions his disciples, he reminds them they will be his witnesses in “Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” So too we have been commissioned to “go” to the ends of the earth, starting right where we are first. In order to be witnesses to what Jesus has done for us in our lives, there are a few things we can remember.

First, be present right where you are. Currently, our phones are such a huge distraction. We are constantly looking at them, even when we are with other people. We must discipline ourselves to focus on the people God puts in our path and interact with them for the cause of Christ. Jesus has passed the torch to us to be his witnesses and it’s hard to do that if you’re looking down.

When I was working on my MDiv, a great mentor of mine reminded me I’ll always have a book to read, a paper to write, and a test for which to study. My two boys who were very young at the time would not always be little to don’t miss the window of opportunity with them. So on my way home from my 5-year graduate level schooling, I found a landmark. When I arrived at the landmark, I’d stop thinking about school and start getting ready to interact with my boys and my wife. Being present with them has paid off. Be present with the people God has placed in your life.

Secondly, be prayerful. In Acts 1:14, we are reminded the followers of Jesus were praying constantly. We should be in prayer everyday that God would open our eyes to the appointments He sends us daily to be a witness. Prayer is the conversation you have with God that the Holy Spirit carries into the throne room of God. Be disciplined enough to pray when you driving, walking, working, and laying down. Ask God to reveal where He is working in the world and how you can join Him in what He’s already doing.

Finally, be perceptive. The seemingly smallest interactions are moments to be a witness and share the love God has extended to you. When you drop your kiddo off at school or use the crosswalk with your child. Teachers and volunteers can be reminded about God’s love through you. It could be the dentist or doctor you’ll see today needs some compassion extended. Maybe your boss or coworker needs to be reminded through you they are loved by God.

So be open and ready in every opportunity God will give you. Whether you are headed to worship on a Sunday morning or on vacation, God wants you on mission. If you are at the grocery store or the gas pump, God wants you on mission. When you are at the teacher conference or the staff meeting, God expects you to represent him well.

Dr. Suess says, “Oh the places you will go.” And this year, you will go lots of places. You are commissioned to be a witness so look like Jesus every chance you get. May the Holy Spirit empower you to overcome any obstacles so that you can realize the Kingdom of God in your life. Blessings on the journey.

We are on Mission.

I spent several years abroad on the mission field. I was a kid but actively involved in enrolling people in Bible correspondence courses at the ripe old age of 7 while I was living in Cameroon, West Africa. I was also living on some islands called Vanuatu in the South Pacific when they gained their independence from Britain and France in 1980. I’ve lived in the culture of many countries on short-term mission trips to places like Croatia and Jamaica. Every single opportunity has been a blessing and a rich back story for my faith walk. But you don’t have to be living on foreign soil to be on mission.

Acts 1 describes Jesus final moments on earth before he ascends into heaven. Jesus literally tells us that we will be his witnesses throughout the earth in a city, in an area, in a larger geographical area and to the ends of the earth. So what can be learn about being on mission today in our culture and right where you live?

First, be present. We can dream and plan for tomorrow and we should but you have today right in front of you and God is going to be there, opening doors for you to witness to those around you. I firmly believe God gives us multiple opportunities every day to share Jesus with those around us. It’s then our job to look for those moments when you can BE Jesus.

Secondly, be prayerful. Acts 1:14 tells us the believers where constantly united in prayer. Pray that God will open your eyes to the needs of those around you. Pray that you’ll discover your talent and giftedness so that you can start serving in the Kingdom. Pray that God will send appointments to you to interact with on his behalf. Pray that you’ll be the best parent and spouse possible in this dark, negative world. Pray for the community of faith of which you are a part, that it might grow and be a light on the hill in your community.

Be perceptive. God is putting people in your life every day to interact with. The crossing guard your kids use to go to school. Your kid’s teachers. The cashier at the grocery store. Your next door neighbor who just had surgery. Your coworker who is having trouble in her marriage. In 2008, a song came out called “Give Me your Eyes” by Brandon Heath. Every word of it rings truth.

We want to the eyes of Jesus to see the world how he does. We want his ears to be ready to hear those in need. We need to have his hands and his feet to serve those in need. We want the mouth of Jesus to speak words of compassion and peace to those around us. We want the heart of Jesus for a world in pain and darkness.

As disciples of Jesus, our mission is never over. We are always looking for the opportunities to go into world and proclaim who Jesus is so the world can know they have a God who loves them. Blessings on your journey.