Was Blind But Now I See.

I know there have been moments in your life when you didn’t see something that was right in front of you. You were looking for your kiddo and they were just there by your side. You might have been looking for the ketchup which was right in front of your plate. Or looking for your glasses which were on top of your head.

At the end of the chapter in Mark 10, there is a story about opening eyes and opportunity. I believe God puts opportunities in front of us for Kingdom story every single day. Sometimes we see the story and participate. Other times we breeze right past a moment to be Jesus to someone.

Mark 10 reminds us that when we choose to interact with Jesus, our lives will be different, transformed, changed. And the change for a better life is there for you, you just need to ask Jesus for it.

In our story, Bartimaeus is a blind beggar on the side of road when Jesus comes along and heals him. Although Bart couldn’t see, he could hear and when he heard Jesus, the great miracle worker, coming on the road in front of him, he pleaded with Jesus to be healed.

It reminds me we often gripe about what we don’t have (sight) and forget about the things we do have (hearing). Paul reminds us in Romans 12 of the gifts that we have been given. He admonishes us to use those gifts for God’s glory. He tells us we all have a place in the family of God and all of us bring a gift to use in that family.

Bart asked Jesus to restore his sight. What would you ask for if you were standing in front of Jesus? Maybe that your kids would grow up healthy and believe in an almighty God; maybe you’d ask for a strong, healthy marriage; it could be you’d ask for purpose in life. Or maybe you’d ask for what’s already been given to you: forgiveness and redemption.

You know, if you focus this year on who you are are in Christ, redeemed and forgiven, and follow Jesus closely, you’d probably get all the rest. Your kids would look at your example and be rooted in following Jesus. Your marriage would be the kind of union drenched in love and respect. You’d have renewed purpose for your calling here on earth.

Like Bartimaeus, ask Jesus for the miracle in your life you need. Allow him to change you. Find your way forward through Jesus. Move from calling him “Jesus, Son of David” to “Master and Lord”. Pray that Jesus would open your eyes to the world around you and discover how he’s called you to follow him on the road. Blessings on your journey this year.