Who Will Rule?

Global pandemic. Crashed economy. Racial pain. City violence. 2020 has been quite the year. A polarized nation elects a president. 50% of us will be disheartened by the outcome. Are we having fun yet? It often feels like this world is spinning out of control.

Of course, none of this is new. From a political perspective, consider that early Christians withstood 14 years of rule by a cruel and insane Nero who persecuted Christians. Yet they lived in the confidence of the Lordship of Jesus Christ as they faced discrimination and even death. They spent their lives ministering the Gospel to the world, in both word and acts of love, even as they yearned for Jesus’ return.

The early Christians experienced themselves as a “chosen race” and “a people for his own possession.” They were no longer from here but from where Jesus had ascended. Heaven was now their homeland…their nation.

This great sense of belonging also made them strangers on earth. They had to live here while ever looking up. They had to try to avoid settling down and be at home in a world bent on creating it’s own fulfillment. We don’t live here—we live in Christ, for Christ. So, Peter would go on to remind them, “Dear friends, I warn you as temporary residents and foreigners to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls.” (1 Peter 2:11). The ascended Christ reminds his people that there is no life for us if we make this world our home.

At the same time, we do love here. Peter also named us “a royal priesthood, a holy nation.” He recalled the ancient vocation of Israel . God’s people were called out of the world to be different to show the world who the real king was. So, those who belong to the reigning Jesus can never identify this world as home but we are always sent back into the world to “show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2:9). Our mission is to lovingly live the difference between those who have been united to Christ the King and those who still live in darkness. We are odd to the world precisely to offer a distinct way of hope, forgiveness, peace, and life.

The early church reminds us that we don’t live here but we do love here. This truth can help us in these crazy days to know it’s not crazy to think things aren’t right. They’re not! And they won’t be until Christ returns and arrives here to set things back in order. We’re not in control but the world is not out of Christ’s control. We’re not supposed to feel at home. But we are supposed to love with the heart of the reigning King.

May you fully trust in Jesus during these tumultuous times. May you feel secure that God is really in control. May you know God knows you and walks with you during this crazy year. Blessings on your journey.