Mission Where You Live

I have had the privilege to travel all over the world doing mission work. I’ve lived in Africa and the South Pacific. I been to Croatia, Jamaica, France, Scotland, Honduras, and Mexico. It has been my honor to get to know the folks that live in these areas and bring Jesus with me. But, living missionally is not only about how far you go with the message of Jesus; it’s also right where you live.

Jesus told us to “Go and tell” in Matthew 28 but in Acts 1, Jesus says, “You’ll be my witness in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth.” He told his disciples to start right where they were and that means for most of us in our home, with our extended family and our next door neighbor.

So we ask the question, who lives with you? Some of the people who live with you are not believers. When you read John 1, we discover Andrew went to get his brother, Peter, to introduce him to Jesus. Some of us have prodigal children. Some of us have prodigal spouses. You live in your home with these folks that you dearly love. Yet, we believe it might be ineffective to share Jesus with them. I’ve had conversations with people who respond, “But Tim, you don’t know my grandpa or my spouse or my neighbor. They are stubborn and don’t think they need anyone.”

I’d say continue to pray for the right opportunity to share Jesus. Pray for softer hearts. Pray for patience. Pray for boldness as you interact with family and friends. Andrew Murray, a South African pastor and writer in the 1800s says, “Beware of your prayers, above everything of limiting God.” We know, we serve the God of the impossible.

The second question is, who lives near you? I’m reminded research tells me we are more connected than at any other time in human history yet as so lonely. I have 1000s of friends on social media but not many of them are close friends. Our current culture has our porch now in the back yard, surrounded by a fence and the only way to get there is through a garage that I can open and shut with a remote control. In other words, my house is arranged so I don’t have to interact with any of my neighbors.

So, you must be intentional. Get outside. Get to know your neighbors. Bring them home-baked goodies. Help them after a storm to clean up their yard. Know their names. Smile and wave when you see them. As a follower of Jesus, you want them to know, they are welcomed in your space. Be purposeful and create space this year to invite them into your life by doing a cook out for your street in your driveway or a pool party for all the kids in the neighborhood or create the first ever 4th of July parade for all the neighbors to join in.

Now, how will you do either of these things? By asking, who lives in you? If you are a baptized believer then God’s Holy Spirit lives in you and it’s through the power of that Spirit you’ll be bold. That’s what Paul tells us in Romans 8:11. Check it out. Look, Jesus said, “The world will know you are my disciples by the way you love…” So make this year different. Show the love of Jesus starting with your family and your neighbors. You can do it with God’s help. Blessings on your journey.

On Purpose!

We’ve all had those moments when we intended to do something but never got around to it. We meant to clean up the back yard but it was easier to sit on the couch and watch TV. We meant to send thank you cards but never got to the store to purchase them. We meant to get healthy but it was so easy just to go through the fast-food drive through for dinner.

Psychologists have a phrase for that kind of action. It’s called the intention-action gap. It’s the difference between what we say we will do and what we actually do. And if you are like me, I find myself living in the gap too many times.

There is a story about an eight-year old boy who becomes king of Judah. His name is Josiah. His story is found in 2 Kings 21-23. He had ever opportunity to live in the gap but chose to follow God. His grandfather, Manasseh, created idol worship throughout all of Judah. Then Josiah’s father carries on that ungodly legacy. But we find Josiah decided…intentionally…to follow God. He tore down and obliterated all the idols and idol worship in Judah and brought his people back to God. That kind of action doesn’t happen on accident.

As we live our lives, we may find we really do want to be in God’s Word every day. We really do want to have a meaningful prayer life. We really do want to surround ourselves with good, wholesome people. We really do want to dedicate our income and material possessions back to God. We really do want to serve people like Jesus served people. But all those things will not happen by accident. You and I have to be intentional if we want that kind of life. So what did Josiah do to turn it all around?

Well, one, he had a responsive heart for God. He heard the Word of God read for the first time at age 27. It changed his heart…led him toward God. He allowed God’s Word to sink into his soul. He was a different man almost immediately. That’s called conviction. Being in God’s Word everyday will allow us to be pulled toward God and the life He wants us to live.

But Josiah also humbled himself. That’s probably the hardest thing for any human to do. To de-throne yourself and say that someone else has a better idea than you takes resolve. Jesus says in Luke 18:14, “Those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” So, if we are to move in this direction how do we get there?

We ask for help. Josiah asked his mentors and friends to go to bat for him. So equally, I have 5 guys in my life who I’ve given permission to ask me hard questions, to kick me in the seat of my pants when I’m not acting like Jesus, to journey with me through the good and hard times. They are men I could call at 2AM and they’d be right there. They don’t judge me but remind me that there’s a better way with Jesus.

Finally, Josiah tore his clothes and wept. That’s a physical representation of a changed heart. So too our lives should represent that we follow a risen Savior. Our lives should look like Jesus in the way we talk, treat other people, honor our spouse, discipline our kids, in our work ethic…the list goes on. The world should be able to look at your life and say, “There is something very different about that person in a great way.”

So get out of the gap and live on purpose. Be intentional about how you live your life, knowing we are here to lift up the name of Jesus. He is our hope and Savior. Blessings on your journey.