Raising world-changers.

I remember growing up when we took risks. I’d get up on Saturday morning, eat breakfast and tell my mom I was hanging out with my friends all day. She simply say, “Be back by supper.” I would jump on my bike, connect with friends then we would ride down mainstream or ride out to the train trestle or go fishing by ourselves at the lake.

But the generation behind me is a little more timid. Not nearly as risky. Today, kids wear protective gear, can’t ride their bikes out of the driveway and get a trophy even if they do not place. We are trying to keep out kids happy and safe. Our culture tells us that is success as a parent…if we make our kids happy.

But what if our goal should be children who are transformed into the image of Christ and loved being risky for the sake of Jesus? See, I believe that is what we are called to do as parents who are following Jesus. We are called to unleash Christ-centered, Biblically anchored, world changers. What we encourage our kids to do for the most part, they will do.

So if it seems sports is on the agenda every weekend, they will think life is about sports. If it is music that they are participating in every opportunity, they will believe that is what matters. However, as Jesus-followers, we are called to discipline our kids in a way that allows them to know what matters: Jesus Christ. So there are a few things we can do as parents, grandparents, and mentors to help our children and teens become world changers for Jesus.

As parents and mentors, we should expose them to the joy of really knowing God personally. The greatest push back we receive from our kids is the inconsistencies of telling them one thing and them seeing us do another. That’s called hypocrisy. So start with everyday language. Connect both the natural world to the supernatural world. I’ve always wanted to connect my family’s life to the goodness God wants to give them so bring up God in the natural discourse of the day.

I want my kids to get to know the heart of God through prayer and the will of God through his Word. Make sure you pray with your kids everyday about something going on in their lives. Make sure they see you reading God’s Word. It’s hard to tell someone what to do when they never see you doing the same thing. We, as Christ-following parents, must set the example for the rest of our family. Be willing to create that kind of culture in your home.

Secondly, we need to expose them the presence and power of God in the church. The spiritual family of God is our fuel, our encouragement, our family. I need you and you need me to successfully journey together. It’s so important to have multiple adult Christian voices in your children’s ears. We should want to be a part of the church family wherever and in whatever they are doing. It’s a great opportunity to make memories and have other respected adults pour into your kids. Make time to create an atmosphere of involvement with the church family.

Finally, expose them to the thrill of being used by God in his story. As a youth pastor, I got to do all kinds of things with my two boys when they were in junior high and high school. We painted houses together, served the homeless in a soup kitchen, distributed socks to homeless from a car, hung out with some children who had come out of a domestic violence situation. We went on mission trips together. And we worshiped together. Never underestimate the power of seeing your children work beside you to make Jesus famous. The inverse of that is true as well.

So, be a part of their week at summer camp. Go as a chaperone on spring and fall retreats. Host a small group in your home. Teach a Bible class. Lead a service project. When you make the effort to do these kinds of things together, the rewards are endless.

Remember, everything we do has eternal purpose. Use every opportunity to teach and mentor and create disciples for Jesus. Make Jesus famous in your house. You lead your family every chance you get. And blessings on your journey.