Shifting Perspective.

I love the movies. I can usually figure things out inside of 15 minutes into the movie. The first movie that really ever “got me” was the 1999 movie, “The Sixth Sense”. In the last moments of the movie, it was revealed one of the main characters had been dead the whole movie. Mind blown! I had no idea. It changed my perspective.

Jesus calls us to change our perspective in how we live…how we see things. He gives us an upside-down perspective compared to what the world offers. It’s never more evident than in Philippians 2 where Paul calls us to be of one mind and purpose.

See, how you think determines what you become. Paul wants us to the have mind of Christ. We can discover how Jesus lived by looking at the Gospel accounts of his life. Jesus was always caring. He had consistent joy in his life. He was obedient to what the Father had called him to do. He was patient with all those around him. He was compassionate to those society had deemed, “Not worthy.”

So, if you think like Jesus thought, you’ll live like Jesus lived. Paul reminds us in Philippians 2 that Jesus was a humble person. He left everything he was entitled to have to come to earth. Jesus shows us that God desires self-abandonment, not self-promotion. In deed, Jesus says in Mark 8:35, “Whoever loses their life for me will actually find it…”

Paul introduces himself as a “slave” to Jesus in the opening line of Philippians. Paul goes on to show Jesus was a servant or slave for us. So we, as followers of Jesus, imitate him by realizing we too are slaves and servants. See, serving is not what I do. A servant his who I am.

So the call today, reflecting on Jesus in Philippians 2, is to change your perspective. No matter what is going on in your life, you are Jesus’ person, created in his image, reflecting him in the world around you. Be transformed. Humble yourself. Discover and live out the Spirit of Jesus living in you. Blessings on your journey.

Life is Good.

Have you ever watched any animal planet shows about raccoons? They are nocturnal creatures and very curious by nature. And they love shiny things. To catch a raccoon, put something shiny in a container with an opening just big enough to put their hand through. When they see it, they will reach in and grab hold of the item only now they can’t get their hand out of the hole. They will not let go of the shiny item. The key to their freedom is letting go but they refuse.

As humans, we are the same way. We take hold of pride, self-centeredness, egoism, and a life about “me” and we will not let go of that life. Paul knows that about us and address how we conquer that mindset and live more like Jesus. As he writes the church in Colossae, Paul tells them and us today what we need to do for a more Christ-like life in Colossians 3:12-15.

Paul starts by saying that everyday, we need to wear tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. If we decide everyday to put these five things on before we leave home, we’ll look just like Jesus.

You and I decide what shirt, pants and shoes to wear everyday before we leave the house. And Paul wants us to realize that if we believe Jesus is who he said he was (Colossians 1), and we do what Jesus wants us to do (Colossians 2), then we’ll live like Colossians 3.

I challenge you to post a note with those five things on it on your bathroom mirror or car dash to be reminded of how we are called to live everyday, living for Jesus’ glory and honor.

Paul also reminds us that we have been forgiven of our wrongdoing by God so we too must forgive others. We are currently a very offended people. We live currently in the so called, “Cancel culture”. Everything is changing and being cancelled because we are offended by it.

As a follower of Jesus, we must forgive and not hang on to the things people say and do to us that might make us feel bad. So many of us raise our hands in worship and when we do, God only sees the offense we are holding on to. God can’t put more blessings in your hands when they are full of other things.

Each of us want peace in our life. Paul tells us in verse 15 to let the peace of Christ live in your hearts. Our DNA allows us to be angry and upset. We can be angry about a family in a 3rd world country who doesn’t have money for food, medicines or shelter. They live on less than a dollar a day. That can bring a move on your part to help that change.

Or we can have some righteous indignation over people groups who do not have the Bible in their language. You and I probably have 2-3 Bibles in our home but it’s hard to believe some people have never heard of Jesus. So that can bring us to do something about it.

Anger can visit; it just can’t live in our hearts. Frustration can light a fire but not become our life. Letting the peace of Christ live in our hearts is the only way we will mature, grow up, have restful nights, and blossoming relationships. When we allow Jesus to rule our emotions and thoughts, we will have a better life.

What if you and I made a decision everyday to be people who are full of tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience for others? What if you and I made a decision to let go and forgive those who wrong us? What if we made a decision to be people of peace and change our circles of influence? Everyday is new. Everyday is a possibility for better. Blessings on your journey.

You Can Do This (with God in your life).

I was in the Air Force Air Guard from 1989-1996. Our unit was activated for Desert Storm. I loved putting on the uniform and serving my country. But one of the beauties of serving in guard or reserve units is you get the best of both worlds. You serve in the military but you also have a civilian life.

Living for God and living by His wisdom is kind of like that. If you follow Jesus, you live in this world while pursuing the spiritual one as well. You live in the physical world while seeing everything through spiritual eyes. When you don’t have Christ in your life, you only see the physical world.

We all want smarts: the ability to live well, and live for something much bigger than we are. We need real wisdom to do that. Jesus says in Matthew 6, “Prioritize the Kingdom of God in your life, live like Jesus, and God will give you everything else you need.” God will give you wisdom, the smarts, if you simply ask him for it according to James. So, it’s time we prioritize Kingdom. But how do we do that?

First, ask God into your everyday experience. I’m not talking about planning for tomorrow. I mean inviting God into your today…those everyday small decision you and I make. Paul even says, “[everyday], think about heavenly things not the things of this earth” (Colossians 3:2).

Students will be made fun of for following Jesus on campus. We are going to help people and love on people despite COVID-19. We are going to pray for our difficult marriage even though our friends think we are crazy. Some of us will give up promotions at work in order to be home more with our kids. The list goes on of how we invite God into our everyday occurrences. People will look at you as if you’re crazy and that’s okay. Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 1:27, “God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise.”

Secondly, we going to involve God in our planning for tomorrow. When we recognize how larger than life our God truly is, the natural thing to do is bow in submission. We give him priority in our life. One way we honor God and show him respect is by involving him in our plans for tomorrow.

We have calendars and make plans but we know they never supersede the sovereignty of God. As we plan, we make sure the idea is “if it is the Lord’s will”. Who should I marry? Should I get married? Should I take this promotion? Do I need to move? Should I continue this relationship? Where should I work? While we make definite plans to answer all these questions, God should be included in each one. It is vital to having wisdom for our futures.

Finally, invest in eternity. By including God in all your daily and future decision-making, you are acknowledging there is a God and you are not him. See, this world is not our home. We are just passing through. Our treasure is not located here but in heaven. So have the wisdom that only God can provide. Set as the most important thing in your life the Kingdom of God. That is, his will and desire. Live that out every day and every tomorrow. Then, God will grant you everything else you need in life.

May the Spirit guide you as you discern direction. May you discover how God has called you to live. May you be empowered to include God in your life every single day. Blessings on your journey.