Pour a Spiritual Footing.

North Texas soil is not the best to build on. In fact, most builders would say we should not build any houses in North Central Texas due to the shifting soil. Eventually, we all see cracks in our walls and ceiling. It’s not unlike our culture. We see the relational and social cracks all around from high divorce rates, to the high percentage of the fatherless. We see many families living at the poverty line and our economic and political system is in disarray.

Jesus calls us to a different life style. All through the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7, Jesus tells us if we want to have a blessed life then live how he’s calling us to live. He says, “You have heard it said but now I say.” He tells us the kind of attitude we should have, how we handle our relationships and what worship and prayer should look like. At the end of the sermon, he tells a story about two builders, reminding us if we don’t want cracks in our life and relationships, the foundation on which we build everything in our life is so incredibly important.

When you look at both builders in Matthew 7:24-29, we see both of them had a dream to build something. Both went to the same church. Both heard Jesus speak. Both lived in the same neighborhood. Both endured the same storm. Yet one is called wise and the other a fool. Which is which can only be determined by the foundation on which they build their life and dreams.

You see, wise people act upon the Word of God. Jesus says in Matthew 7:24, wise people hear Jesus and then go and do what he has said. Wise people put into practice how Jesus is calling us to live every day.

Wise people do not compromise the Word. Jesus says in Matthew 15:6, “You cancel the Word of God for the sake of your own traditions.” When we try to mix our way (sand) and God’s way (rock), it’s called being double-minded and God will not bless that kind of life (James 1:7-8).

Wise people anchor their house on the Word of God. Both houses had beautiful curb appeal until the storm hit. The house built on sand came crashing down. For those of us who have decided to build our life on Jesus Christ, the storms will still come. The difference is our house or life will not crumble at the first gust of wind.

What we discover is that our foundation will determine our future. So if you want longevity; if you want a life with purpose; if you want a life that will stand through life’s storms, build on Jesus. Jesus invites us to surrender to him and in doing so, we will have the ability to withstand the storms of life. Blessings on the journey.

Foundation Matters.

Last year, I had to have some foundation work done on my house. One hold side had sunk about one inch and the drop had created some cracks in the drywall inside. The crew came out to lift up the house back to level and for a few thousands bucks, everything was right again.

Our relationships with each other are so important. No earthly relationship more important than your marriage. So, building it on the right foundation will make all the difference when the storms of life come. Jesus knew that too and tells us in Matthew 7 about two home builders. One built on bedrock and the other on shifting sand. Storms came with rains, floods and wind. The house built on sand came crashing down.

The material we use to build our marriage is critical. Using the wrong materials will not allow us to withstand the storm. Some of the things that create storms in our marriage are the baggage we bring from past relationships or how we spend or save money or how we discipline the kids or our harsh tones or disrespect. But when we decide to offer mutual respect to each other and offer unconditional love to each other, we find the storms are more likely to be survivable.

See, the storm reveals what materials make up the house. Many times, we first worry about aesthetics in the house rather than the foundation. But Jesus uses the word “Moro” in Matthew 7 in the original language. “Moro” is where we get our English word, “Moron” from. If you don’t pay attention to the foundation your building, Jesus calls you a moron.

So, don’t put undo pressure on your spouse by expecting them to meet every need you have. No one was created to complete you. Like all things, time plus pressure equals a cracked foundation. Equally, don’t create moments where unreasonable disappointment will exists. When your spouse doesn’t live up to your expectations, you feel disappointed. Then, you’ll begin looking for someone else to make you “feel” like you hoped someone else would.

At the end of the day, no relationship will ever be as intimate, as deep, as close as you hoped for without Jesus Christ in the middle of it. So, start today making Jesus the priority in your relationship. It’s the most impactful thing you can do to create a long-lasting one. Also, start today praying together out loud while holding hands. Do this for two weeks and see the difference it makes in your relationship. Blessings on the journey.